Dr Kho Kwang Po, who raised concerns about mRNA covid-19 vaccine side effects, has just received his first shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
Ironically, he was one of five doctors who signed an open letter in June questioning the safety of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on children and calling for the national vaccination to stop.
Dr Kho has been arguing that vaccines do not work and persistently warned about vaccine casualties.
It thus came as a surprise that Dr Kho changed his mind and decided to get the Pfizer shot.
On 14 Oct, Dr Kho posted that he was at Clementi Community Club vaccination centre with his wife to get their vaccination. He said he took the Pfizer vaccine for travel.

What made him change his mind? Was he eventually convinced of the vaccine’s safety and efficacy? One thing’s for sure: he will find out soon.
Management must take responsibility for such atrocious attitudes and behaviors, severe punishments by either pay reductions or in extreme cases, dismissals as example to all GIC entities that accountabilities exists.