I was alerted by a FB friend that CHT has offered an explanation on why the obstructing pillars can’t be placed behind because of the drain below.

However, I chanced upon this photo shared by a FB user, it clearly shows that pillars are sitting right on top of the drain not too far from the contentious location.

Even if it is really impossible to have the pillars constructed at the back of the bus stop (which I have doubts), the designer would have anticipated the visibility issues to the commuters by reducing the amount of pillars to widen the view angles as that can be of significant help. Rough sketch attached for illustration.

Camera and display can help but they do come with reliability and maintenance issues.
Post comment:
Actually, I believe the real reason behind why pillars were erected at (A) location over (B) was more likely that it would give the more economical structural design. Without going into details, we can’t comment if it’s been an overkill or not. The pillars are made of 200×300 RHS at about 3m c/c. I may be wrong.
Source: CK Lau