I’m Fighting Cancer and my Wife is Selling Bread. Please Support If you can

A man suffering from lymphoma cancer asked for help to support his wife’s baking business. His wife has a normal job but does home baking on top of that to earn more for the family.

At first, some people thought he was a scammer. They suspected him of lying about his illness so that he can get more business.

The man responded that there is no reason why he will pretend to have cancer to sell bread. He would rather the cancer never happened. He is not at “the most dangerous stage” of his illness although it is still serious.

He explained that while he cannot work now, his family is not super poor. He just wanted to get some support through social media. He does not want to force anyone to buy from them.

I want to help her (his wife) and give her a head start just in case if I mati she will have this job to make bread and work from home.

I will not take any form of donation. I am merely selling loti. Merely saying you could try out her products and I will do more pineapple tarts soon.

If you are interested to support the couple, check out Instagram @sourdoughfrenchie or their Carousell account here. They sell various sourdough flavours which are available via pick-up or delivery. Be sure to order in advance as his wife is doing it by herself.