Busker Jeff Ng who performs outside The Cathay became famous overnight when videos of his performances went viral. Singaporeans were saying that he sounds like JJ Lin. However, multiple individuals have since come forward to share their negative experiences with him.

You’ve probably seen some of these, but here’s everything people have to say about him, in one article.
His ex-girlfriend calls him the “worst person I’ve ever met”
In a lengthy post, his ex-girlfriend Lena Ng documented all of Jeff’s toxic traits. This includes being abusive, controlling, and manipulative. He would spam call her late at night and get angry about when she doesn’t inform him of her whereabouts.

According to Lena, Jeff is also a “serial cheater” who cheated on her thrice in their 3-year relationship. When they first got together, Jeff was apparently dating three girls at the same time. But when Lena found out about it, he somehow got her to apologise for ruining his day instead.
He also instructed her not to hang around him when he is teaching his students. Lena also had to leave his gigs early so she would not be seen by his “female fans”. Apparently, Jeff claimed that he was “born in the wrong generation” because he could’ve had “many concubines” if he lived in the past.
Every time Lena tried to end things, Jeff would “beg and cry and kneel and swearing to god that he knows he’s wrong and will change for (her).” And when she tried to break up with him, it escalated to stalking and threats to end his life.

Even after she managed to leave him, he continued to harass Lena by stalking and spam calling her.
“I blocked every number and he will borrow strangers phones to call me. The last time he called me it was 1.5 years after we broke up, middle of the night. I was with my current fiancé alr & he was also attached as usual. I completely ignored the call.”
Lena Ng
In response, he said he was “young and reckless”

He says he took time over the past few years to reflect and to become a better person, but did he?
If you want to unfollow Jeff Ng, you better have good reasons
In a viral post shared by Facebook page “NUS – No Use Singapore”, Jeff Ng apparently got agitated because someone unfollowed him on Instagram.

The person didn’t even know him personally, still need reason to unfollow him? He even scolded the person for not replying him at first.
Please do not chat when he is singing on livestream
If you decide to chat when he is livestreaming, he will stop singing. In fact, he will also scold you.
In a video circulating online, Jeff can be seen saying in Mandarin: “I know all of you are here to listen to the songs. Listening is okay, but try not to chat… It’s alright for you to talk, you can talk after I’m done with this livestream.”
He also threatens to leave the stream if they don’t keep quiet. He later adds, “You can talk, you can do anything, but you’re harming others.”
Remember to shut up when he’s singing in real life too
In a review posted by another netter on Facebook page belonging to “7th Heaven KTV & Cafe” where Jeff also sings, the netter shared that Jeff made sure nobody talked while he was singing. Apparently he was offended by patrons chitchatting and said that this is his worst audience for the month.

Another local musician, Khim Ng, also shared in a Facebook post that no major live bar outlets will dare to hire him because of how rude he is to their customers. Basically he scolds patrons for making any noise during his sets.
“all of us that “knows him” also can’t stand his DIVA and entitled attitude in the music and live bar gigs industry. Talent is 1 thing, but work Ethics , self awareness and attitude to ANYONE AND EVERYONE is EVERYTHING to survive.”
Khim Ng
He blames Esplanade for causing his audience to have a bad impression of him
Jeff wrote in a Facebook post after a performance at the Esplanade Concourse to criticize the sound crew there. He wrote that it was his “Worst performance ever with the worst [sound team] in Esplanade,” and that he will never perform there again unless they can tour him around.
“It is my last time there even if I make it big one day, unless they can… tour me around and give me the best sound and theatre before the show.”
Jeff Ng
In his post, Jeff also says that the inexperienced sound team caused his audience to have a bad impression of him. Well, all we can say is that a bad workman always blames his tools.

He will mess with your return flight tickets if he decides he don’t want to travel with you
If you think that these are just people trying to chasing clout after Jeff got famous, netters surfaced a Facebook post from 2016 from musician Arianne Goh who got stranded in Taiwan with her friends, just because Jeff Ng wanted to cancel his trip with them.
Arianne is allegedly the friend of Jeff’s ex-girlfriend. Jeff was upset that Arianne helped his ex get over him. So when he decided not to go on the trip with his ex’s friends, he messed with their flight ticket.
Apparently the group was supposed to be in Taiwan from 22-29 August 2016. However, just as they were checking in for their flight back, the counter staff told the group that their return flight dates were changed to 24 August.
“why would you change your return ticket when you did not even depart in the first place?”
Ariane Goh
Jeff even paid $200 to change the flight details, but when confronted, he said that he changed it “on accident”. How do you change 3 flight tickets on accident?
Luckily Jeff reimbursed the group for their new return ticket ($1800), but does this make up for the stress that Anne and her friends had to undergo?
“I have to say that I am utterly ashamed that I was once kind and patient to someone like that. Getting back at me this way for helping your ex girlfriend move on from you is definitely creative.”
Ariane Goh

His wife tried to defend him but it backfires.
In response to the allegations, his wife Zona Tay (whom he married June last year) came to his defense in a comment saying that he is a “changed man” and on “awesome husband”.

However, another netter replied that both Zona and Jeff are the same – entitled and narcissistic. According to the netter, the duo had patronised a retail store and demanded to be attended to immediately, claiming that they were “internet-famous”.

What will happen to Jeff now?
After the allegations became viral, he cancelled his busking session on Saturday and privatized his Instagram.
He once said that he will be holding a “real” concert in August. Do you think this will still happen?