Chris J “Mohawk” Reed who claims to be the “world’s number 1 LinkedIn Marketing and Personal Branding expert” recently made a LinkedIn post praising HDBs. He says that it is “truly the model” and “Singapore cracked it”.

This comes from a new Singapore citizen.
Chris J Reed is the founder and CEO of Black Marketing, a marketing consultancy company specialized in building brands on LinkedIn. Apparently he loves Singapore so much that he renounced his UK citizenship. He is now a Singapore citizen.
No wonder our government likes to bring in new citizens who will praise them.
Netters disagree with him for many reasons
And rightfully so. HDB is basically a real estate business for the government. They maintain the flats and rent it out. They can take it back at anytime.

HDB flats are also getting ridiculously expensive, especially resale flats. Probably due to the lack of regulations around this.

Children of homeowners will have to start from ground zero, because after 99 years the government will take your houses back.

HDBs worked very well in the past to ensure that Singaporeans have a roof over their heads. However, it is no longer as effective today. Many Singaporeans are unable to get BTO, and yet unable to afford a resale flat.
Old solutions do not work with new problems.