A PRC national living in London wants to relocate to Southeast Asia. He was comparing between Singapore and Malaysia but decided to choose the latter.
Reasons why Singapore is not desirable for him:
- Cost of living [in Malaysia] is much more affordable than in Singapore, this is a very big factor
- Malaysians are much more friendly than Singaporeans
- Pace of life is slower in Malaysia, Singapore is too hectic for me
- Singapore is too small, and there is more to do in Malaysia and more variety
- I can actually own a car in Malaysia, and this is almost impossible in Singapore

On top of that, he thinks Singapore “has not reached the same level of development as London yet”. He seems to want to stay in a more developed country but enjoy a slow-paced lifestyle.
“London is much bigger, more historical, the city looks much nicer than Singapore. There is palace, so many touristy attraction, more culture. The financial district in London blow Singapore into the water… London to me looks much nicer, posher and more cultured.”
Another drawback is that he thinks Singapore treats foreigners poorly. He implied that given equal rights, locals will lose out.
“If Singapore starts to treat everyone equal and give workers the same rights as London, we will see how well Singapore can hold things together. I already know the answer.”
It seems he has already decided to move to Malaysia. So be it. What are some of the points you agree or disagree with? It is no loss to us, isn’t it?