According to MOH’s statement, Singapore has 60 ICU beds left. 306 out of 366 ICU beds have been taken up. Our daily cases are also still in the 3000s. This is the result of our task force and their “flip-flop” strategy and they are still making illogical decisions!
Travel ban on South Asia to be lifted on 27 Oct
First, in the midst of our extension, they decided to lift the travel ban on Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka from 27 October. Ong Ye Kung justified this by saying that they have reviewed the situation. Obviously the daily deaths aren’t enough for him.
Gathering Restrictions Don’t Apply To Bloomberg Forum on 16 Nov

Next, they announced that they will be easing the dining rules for the Bloomberg forum. Participants will be allowed to dine in groups of 5. Gan Kim Yong still came out to explain that these people are important to the economy and they need to network. Apparently Singaporeans not important for the economy.
Vaccinated Travel Lanes (VTLs) continues as planned
They are also still carrying on with the VTLs. The best part is, the countries that we are having the travel lanes with are either having a new wave of infections of their own or they are warning their own people about Singapore. Germany’s COVID infections are at the highest since May, reporting 15,145 new infections in 24 hours. USA also raised their COVID-19 travel alert for Singapore to highest risk level on Monday.
MTF can’t make up their mind
As you can see, one rule for them another rule for us. Singaporeans are having an extended stabilization phase, we have to keep our social gatherings to 2 people. They ask us to be more prudent and for Singaporeans we have to act like it’s a pandemic. Yet, they are making these decisions and opening our borders like it has already become an endemic.

They justify the restrictions with the fact that our ICU beds are already maxing out. However, if it’s already straining our healthcare system, shouldn’t they just do a proper lockdown? Postpone the VTLs, impose the same restrictions on the Bloomberg forum, and stop opening our border for now.
Then they justify every other decision by saying that COVID is just a flu and we need to work towards treating it like an endemic. However somehow these endemic rules only apply to “important” people. If we’re truly working towards an endemic, shouldn’t we start by opening up internally first before we open our borders, like many other countries have done?!
Whether this is supposed to be a pandemic or endemic, it’s about time they made up their minds and stop with this flip flopping!
of course because the situation is “FULLY UNDER CONTROL.”
btw … have yet to meet pappies who admit own mistakes.