The man said he has reported the matter to the Chinese embassy in Singapore.

PRC Man Unhappy ICA Lists Taiwan as a Country
A PRC man in Singapore took to Douyin to voice his unhappiness about Taiwan being in the list of countries on ICA’s website.
The man, who goes by Douyin username “sgxiaohujun”, came across a Taiwanese lady’s post about getting PR on a Chinese social media platform. She shared her experience of the application process and showed a picture of her blue NRIC.

Seeing that the lady’s NRIC only stated her country/place of birth as “TAIWAN” without also stating China, the PRC man was in disbelief. He then checked his own NRIC and saw that it stated country/place of birth as “CHINA” without his province Jilin.

It prompted him to go to ICA’s application portal to investigate. To his horror, he found that “TAIWANESE” and “CHINESE” are listed as two separate nationalities. There was also no additional indication of “CHINA” beside “TAIWANESE”.

To him, this was a grave violation because “Taiwan is part of China’s territory”.
He subsequently wrote to the Chinese embassy in Singapore regarding the issue.

Should a foreigner coming to Singapore to work, study or live be interfering with how Singapore does things? If he chose to come here, why is he so obsessed about how great his homeland is? Did we make a mistake taking such troublemakers in?