Our reader observed that majority of NUS Graduate Society’s management team are South Asians. In fact, all of them don’t seem to be locals.

NUS Graduate Students Society Helmed By South Asians
[Contributed by Chandra] For the past few years, conversations about CECA has always led to questions about their impact on our job security. There have also been concerns about undeserving South Asians with fake certificates and qualifications coming to work. In that time, we forgot to look at our own educational institutions. We missed the numerous students who come to NUS, NTU, or SMU to get a post-graduate degree as a step up from their South Asian degrees.
NUS Graduate Society’s Management Team comprises of mostly South Asians
In fact all of them don’t seem to be locals. How did we allow our NUS Graduate society to get to this state?

How do they decide on the exco?
The society accepted applications for the exco back in July. However, candidates are “shortlisted”, likely by existing exco members. Doesn’t this sound exactly like what people have been saying about how the South Asians like to bring their entire village here?

If not, are our graduate students mostly of one particular demographic? NUS either needs to investigate this or their student intake methods! How is it possible that the entire postgraduate cohort doesn’t have any non-South-Asians?
This is the National University of Singapore. Not the National University of SouthAsia.
Here is the rest of their executive committee members.

Editor’s note — A reader alerted us that the above is NUS Graduate Society’s 36th exco which led the society until August 2022. Currently, they have a new exco (37th exco) which includes other races.
How did it get to this state? Well cause they keep applying for it and people keep voting for them. That’s how they are like.
I still remember when I was in NTU and during the 1 week midterm break which is supposed to be spent in a group project, this guy from this country flew back to his country instead. And he still decided he is good candidate for some org’s president (some student affair council or something). I can’t remember what happened be he might have gotten it.
In another case which is a paired coursework design module, my partner didn’t even do anything to the point where he couldn’t even show how to run a SPICE simulation when asked. He still got a good grade from the prof despite that.
I don’t know how deep the corruption is but it is definitely spread deep into the system rather than just the few faces we see on the surface.
This is truly outrageous. We’ve let these toxic creatures in to take over.
running spice programme is the basic skills as a undergraduate. if he cant run it, seem like there are under ground work….
Before you hate someone based on their race, language, religion or sexual orientation, do some homework & get to know them.
If you took 2 mins to verify actual site – https;:/www.nusgss.com/team you’ll find Chinese & even Russian office holders.
Spewing racists, bigoted or xenophobic vitriol ugliness in all its fine glory without verifying context, history or charter for this society is your choice; internet troll (State sponsored ?) who wants to see a divided Sg (or ad revenues from their fake postings) is having last laugh at our expense.
Don’t hate blindly. We can do better

The article was referring to NUSGSS’ 36th Exco. The team you see on their website is the 37th Exco, which was only updated less than a day ago. Thanks for your very timely comment but please at least read our editor’s note. It’s good to see diversity in their new team but it does not change the fact that the 36th Exco lacked it. Of course we can do better.