There are so many perverts around, girls please be careful. One pervert on MRT was taking pictures of TikToker @daizamazze at Tanah Merah MRT at 10:21pm on 25 Feb in the evening. She felt it happen but at first she questioned if she was seeing things. That is until when she tried to approach him and he pretended to “call someone”.
When he finally stopped, he was stupid enough to “check” the photos he took and tried to delete @daizamazze’s photos. Thereafter, he tried the same “call someone” trick again, although his phone was obviously still at the home screen and nobody was calling him.
Luckily she trusted her gut enough to call him out. He even had photos of other girls on his phones. Unfortunately, she didn’t manage to get him to check his recycle bin, but at least there is video evidence here.
“To my girls, ALWAYS trust your gut. NEVER be afraid to make noise. CALL THEM TF OUT!!!! This is ILLEGAL. Even if you don’t see proof, YOUR GUT IS TELLING YOU SOMETHING FOR A REASON. So many times have I felt this unease around a man on public transport but didn’t go up to ask out of fear. If this is your uncle, i just wanna talk.”
Daisy (TikTok @daizamazze)
Really seems like there are a lot of perverts out there.
It is appalling to know that there are people who don’t think that what the uncle did was wrong. Some of them can be found in the comment section of Daisy’s video.

If you see this happening to someone else, you should definitely speak up for them too. We cannot normalize such perverts!