On 2 Jun 2024, local artist Lee Xin Li shared that his art was used on OLLELLA‘s shopping bags without his permission. What is worse is OLLELLA’s lack of accountability after.
When Lee’s friend told him that his art work is used on OLLELLA’s bags, he first wrote in to the shop to inform them that usually such commercial use involves a license fee to the creator. Yet, instead of trying to salvage the situation, they decided to push the blame to the website canva. They said that they are a canva pro member and they have the rights to use icons uploaded there. They even asked Lee to contact Canva as well.

Lee contacted Canva and highlighted the infringements, and Canva took down the art work. This however doesn’t change the bad publicity OLLELLA just generated for themselves.

OLLELLA wants to avoid any responsibility
They not only in their e-mail said that they want Lee to settle this with Canva himself. They even commented on Lee’s post that they hope he will “find an agreeable resolution with Canva about this”, and that they will still be allowed to use the graphics on their packaging.

Instead of brushing it off, OLLELLA really missed the opportunity to promote their brand. They could have expressed support for local artists and started a campaign against Canva. This would have been an opportunity for them to transform the situation into something positive. Yet they kept harping on their contract with canva and act like everything they are doing is fine.
What do you think? Can OLLELLA do better? Will you still buy their kuehs?