Tan Chuan-Jin got pwned by his own party. He could not attend his son’s OCS Commissioning Parade because PAP decided to have a Committee of Privileges hearing. Instead of being there for his son, he had to ask Workers’ Party stupid questions about Raeesah Khan’s lies.
It looks like they informed him of the COP hearing at the last minute. On 5 Dec, Tan Chuan-Jin was still looking forward to attending his son’s parade as a proud father. Less than a week later, he said it was a shame he had to miss it.

What a pity. Is it worth missing out on a big day just so PAP can go on a witch hunt? All they are doing is wasting time trying to corner Pritam Singh with ridiculous questions. Tan Chuan-Jin will be better off at his son’s parade but he can only blame his own party for sabo-ing himself.
This time, PAP is quick to jump at the chance and hang WP out to dry. They think they can drag the whole party down with Raeesah Khan but Singaporeans will never let that happen. If anything, it only shows us more of PAP’s hypocrisy and WP’s grit.
Though i look up at our men in blue..my experience wth them leave me wth a negative thought.. i am a retiree..sadly, i was scammed wth almost 7k of my saving..i made a police report on the same day wth the scammer name and bank account no (uob). I was told the io will contact me on the progress of the investigation..and provide me a number to call to check on the progress..i recieve no call and my call left unanswered!! Do the Police only take immediate action if the amount is 7 mil ?