[Contributed by Vance] Disney’s Lightyear will be screening in Singapore with an NC16 rating. The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) said that the rating is because of homosexual depictions. Basically the film contains depictions of “a female lead character and her partner starting a family and sharing a kiss”.

Both camps are unhappy.
Once again, the government fails to realize that by trying to appease everyone with “moderate” decisions, they end up angering both camps.
The LGBT community are critical about the NC16 rating. This is because Cheryl Ng, Chairperson of IMDA’s Films Consultative Panel who decides on the rating, is a principal trainer with Focus on the Family. Focus on the Family is from South California, and they are a fundamentalist Christian organization known for their homophobic beliefs and practices.

To the anti-LGBT camp, the movie should not even be allowed in Singapore. An NC16 rating is not enough. They also cite the fact that many other nations have banned the film.

The flip-flop is not new.
They have been trying to show “support” for the LGBT community with token acknowledgements. Apparently, allowing Pinkdot to happen, or starting a superficial survey about 377A, is supposed to convince the community that the government is progressive.
On the other hand, they pander to the anti-LGBT camp by keeping 377A around. The government even promised that the traditional family structure continues to be the bedrock of society.
“the government does not encourage planned and deliberate single parenthood as a lifestyle choice. Singapore’s public policy continues to be one which encourages parenthood within marriage. We also do not support the formation of same-sex family units through institutions and processes like adoption.”
Minister for Social and Family Development Masagos Zulkifli, May 2022
We need leaders who can make tough decisions, not prata flippers!
Instead of pissing everyone off, the government needs to decide whether they want to be progressive or conservative, and follow through with it.
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