Punggol Polyclinic Racist Doctor Cover

Indian Doctor Racist Against Non-English Speaking Parent At Punggol Polyclinic

A Redditor wrote about an unprofessional and racist doctor he encountered at Punggol Polyclinic.

My wife took my kid to Punggol Polyclinic today and encountered an extremely racist Indian “doctor”

Background. My wife has limited command of the English language and my kid has an issue with enlarged tonsils. So when he has a flu episode his breathing becomes very laboured and oxygen levels dropps to 95% when he sleeps.

Today my son woke up vomiting multiple times and could not even hold down liquids. Face was blueish and very pale. So my wife took him to Punggol poly along with our maid.

Maid has limited command of English and even worst command of Chinese.

The doctor asked a nurse to come into the room to interpret. However the maid said something in English and the doctor asked the nurse to leave the room immediately.

This doctor refused to use the nurse as an interpreter and instead choose to speak to the maid only.

Even when the maid told the doctor, she cannot understand clearly, the doctor refused to call the nurse back into the room.

So as a parent my wife could not convey the background conditions of my kid or the situation. Nor answer properly any questions asked by this Indian doctor.

We sleep with our sons during the night and the maid has no idea of what transpired during the night.

This doctor only took the temperature of my son and did not even bother to listen to his chest or check for abdominal issues.

My wife called me with the aim of letting me speak to the doctor. The doctor raised her voice and said no telephone calls allowed, my kid threw up.

So my wife raised her voice and scolded the doctor as not being interested in the kids medical condition and refusing to use a nurse as an interpreter.

My wife sort of get the gist of the doctor’s remark that not to bring non English speaking patients/parents to her in the future to the nurse.

Subsequently another doctor was made available and managed to assure my wife that this was a mild condition and had no bearing on the existing medical situation.

Now I have not named this doctor as I am checking with the poly currently.

I find that there is still discrimination against Chinese that cannot speak English.