Wake Up Singapore came into possession of emails and photographs exchanged between the staff of Ethoz Group Singapore. These emails contain photos of ladies who had applied for positions at the company. With it were sexual remarks made by the staff.

It is unclear if the photos are from the applicants’ CVs or their social media. However, the staff made a lot of degrading comments. Some of the e-mail were also sent to the entire “#SG Workshop Management”.
“Can consider to bring her (potential gf) home for his private use”
“Maybe this time round we get young ones so our mechanics all see already more energy & power can work faster”
“Single or married? Only myself and X are eligible”
Who is Ethoz Group?
Ethoz Group Singapore is a car rental company with more than 100 employees according to their LinkedIn. They also provide capital financing and equipment leasing services. They have 2 branches in Singapore; one in Bukit Batok and the other in Tampines.

What is with the errant behavior of car rental company management these days? Earlier this year we had the Bentley driver of car rental company Neo Times who tried to knock down a security guard for not letting him in.
For the sake of growing grateful Citizens out of huge FT imports, esp. from south of the Himalayas, SIndiapore’s various quality standards are receding.
Don’t need a Time Machine. Just need Najiib Looong to remain.