Another MP came up with a genius idea in parliament. Melvin Yong of Radin Mas GRC suggested for taxi drivers to also drive buses. There was a lack of manpower when many bus drivers contracted Covid-19 this year, so he thought it would be great if taxi drivers can take over their jobs.
We should build a reserve public bus captain pool – one that can be activated upon short notice to fill urgent manpower gaps.
Melvin Yong at budget debate 2022
He proposed for taxi drivers to go for training to drive buses. Those who pass will drive buses once a month so that they do not lose touch with their skills. Bear in mind that this is not just about driving a larger vehicle but also remembering bus routes.
Melvin Yong thinks it will not be a problem to get taxi drivers on board as SBS and SMRT already have their own fleet of taxis. He hopes they will work together with LTA to make his grand plan happen.
So convenient. How do you find his idea?

This idiot is nonsense, y not get pap sit as opposition party for 6 months, learn the skills and be pap member again, stupid idiots
can they be trained as MRT drivers surely will remember routes.Who pay for their training?
Mp should go sweep and clean the toilet. Man power shortage there
Does he MY knows exactly why not many Singaporean refuse to work as bus driver? Ask him to get to the root of the issue, ask those that have resign driving bus. Also those who boycott and sue bus company, why??? Their pay is not acceptable, period.
yes is all about money…must pay good money to get good people
can they be trained as MRT drivers surely will remember routes.Who pay for their training?
Ask him to drive bus first! Saying is easy! #BODOHPEHKAMBING
Stupid idea. This type of MP calibre?
Taxi drivers should also drive bus, due do lack of manpower
Then Doctor should also be nurse, due to lack of manpower
Maybe Melvin yong should try to drive a bus and better still try to be a firefighter or fire engine driver.
The problem is these overpaid, overrated and over hyped MPs are completely out of touch with the ground. One reason could be that they don’t face any competition from foreign talents for their jobs in Parliament. As a result, they can only think of shitty ideas when they open their mouths.