Whilst the US continues to respect all countries’ international legal rights, China has been persistently attempting to impose restrictions on foreign military vessel and aircraft operations in disputed South China Sea maritime territories.
Lightyear: Govt’s Flip-Flopping Views Ends Up Pissing Everybody Off
[Contributed by Vance] Disney’s Lightyear will be screening in Singapore with an NC16 rating. The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) said that the rating is because of homosexual depictions. Basically…
From Now to 4 July, Anyone can Submit Feedback on GST Hike to MOF
As part of its “public consultation” efforts, the Ministry of Finance is seeking feedback on its proposed GST changes. What concerns Singaporeans most is of course the GST hike. It…
Expats Complain About Staying In A Flat Instead Of Landed Property in SG
In an article by Financial Times documenting “struggles” that expats have to face in Singapore, we get to see how spoilt they really are. Many expats from Hong Kong are…
HIV Survivor: A Nurse Called The Cops On Me
My name is Calvin Tan. I am a person living with HIV for 7 years in a modernised world where HIV shouldn’t be an issue anymore. I was infected with…
HDB Force Elderly To Top-Up $100k For Replacement Flat in AMK SERS
Earlier this year, the government announced that 4 HDB blocks in Ang Mo Kio were picked for the Selective En bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS). Under the scheme, residents are supposed…
Singapore Urged to Learn from Malaysia in Abolishing Mandatory Death Penalty
Malaysia has decided to abolish the mandatory death penalty. Doing away with it does not mean removing the death sentence entirely. It means judges will have the discretion to mete…
Gag Orders Protect The Accused, Not The Victims!
[Contributed by Vance] Recently, the case about sex abuse by a prominent Catholic figure brought into question the purpose of gag orders. The Catholic church actually wants Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC)…
Selling Off The Family Silver: Singapore’s Strategic Firms in Foreign Hands
It was announced on June 1 2022 that Malaysia-based YTL Power International has completed its acquisition of fallen Singaporean corporate darling Hyflux’s Tuaspring power station. The concluded deal was worth…
Policewoman Working While 7 Months Pregnant Quits, Says Sacrifice Unrecognised
The police officer who went viral for continuing to work while she was 30 weeks pregnant has decided to call it quits. Last year during the circuit breaker, Reema Razif…