This has been a rather eventful presidential elections. Firstly, the only truly independent presidential candidate George Goh failed to receive a certificate of eligibility. It’s a pity because it feels…
Tan Kin Lian Lacks Assentors for Tomorrow’s Presidential Nomination
Tan Kin Lian is still lacking a few assentors for his Nomination Paper. Each candidate must submit his Nomination Paper, which must contain details of the candidate, names and NRIC…
Netizens Ask Pritam Singh to be Prime Minister After Seeing him in Parliament
Yesterday, Parliament touched on Tan Chuan-Jin and Cheng Li Hui’s extra-marital affair. Pritam Singh specifically criticized the PAP for being slow to respond. “In this term of government, the government…
NTU Professor Qu Jing-yi Plagiarizes A Student’s FYP
Apparently it is not his first time. A student was doing research when he came across 2 papers, one by an NTU student “Wang” for their final year project (FYP)…
Friend of Police Officer who Took his Life Reveals Struggles in SPF
A friend of police officer Uvaraja Gopal spoke up after the latter’s death. Uvaraja Gopal was a 36-year-old police officer. Prior to his death, he posted about workplace bullying and…
RIP Raja Gopal – SPF Police Officer Ends His Life From Workplace Bullying
Just yesterday, an SPF officer Raja Gopal (36) chose to end his life due to workplace bullying. Prior to the incident, he made a Facebook post (on 21 Jul 2023…
Ong Beng Seng – The Billionaire Involved In Iswaran’s CPIB Investigation
Singapore-based Malaysian businessman Ong Beng Seng is assisting in an investigation conducted by Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB). The investigation involves transport minister S Iswaran, who is currently on a…
Indranee Ask PSP To Remove Their Post About Leong Mun Wai’s Stellar Performance In Parliament
In Parliament on Wednesday (5 July), Leader of the House Indranee Rajah called out the Progress Singapore Party (PSP) and its secretary-general Leong Mun Wai for a video published on…
Singaporeans Praise Leong Mun Wai after Watching him in Parliament
Leong Mun Wai was recently in the spotlight for his questions on Ridout Road. The PSP NCMP wanted more time even as the Parliamentary session was ending. He said this…
Charles Yeo: Why Leave Shanmugam’s Family Alone? He Never Left Death Row Inmates Alone!
Former Reform Party Chairman Charles Yeo responded to yesterday’s parliamentary session on Ridout Rd. He was one of the earlier ones who suggested that Shanmugam’s son, Ravindran, was involved in…