Earlier today, Mothership reports that a man with down syndrome and his helper were forced to get off the bus. The man, Li Xi (22), is unable to wear a…
Sengkang GRC Gives Out School Supplies To Low-Income Students
Just last weekend, Jamus Lim was seen giving out school supplies to low-income students in his neighbourhood. Supplies include backpacks and book vouchers. This annual gifting activity is also possible…
Average Singaporeans Cannot Afford To Retire
By Zen — 400,000 Singaporeans between the ages of 55-70 are not ready for retirement and need more CPF to qualify for the Basic Retirement Sum. Everyone has become more…
Should Non-Muslims Pay Premium To Cater To Muslim Colleagues?
In a debate on subreddit r/SingaporeRaw, netters discuss whether non-Muslims should be required to pay extra for company gatherings to cater to their Muslim colleagues’ halal requirements. Apparently the author…
UK To Reduce Dependency On Foreign Workers, We Should Follow.
By LM — Recently, Labor Party Leader Keir Starmer addressed the Confederation of British Industry and he made the promise to end “short term fix” of foreign workers in the…
Who Are The People Behind Local Mastodon Instance Kopiti.am?
Twitter has been a mess, ever since Elon Musk took over. This is not surprising, considering how he himself ain’t sure what he wants Twitter to be. Turning on and…
Maybe It’s Time To Import Foreign Talents To Lead Singapore
By Zen — One of the ongoing issues that local Singaporeans have continuously been dealing with is the influx of foreign talents in workplaces. Due to the new work pass…
Treat 377A Repeal as What It Is – Don’t Politicise It
What should have been a clear cut issue about legal equality in society for all regardless of sexual/gender orientation – the repeal of 377A – has turned into an ugly…
Having A “Party Whip” Defeats The Purpose Of A Debate
If having a “party whip” means everyone has to vote for the same thing regardless of what they think, what is the point of the debate?
Bertha Henson: Repealing 377a Is A ‘Political’ Decision!
What struck me about the debate is ministers describing this as a ‘political’ decision. Most times we hear about making the ‘right’ decision and how politics doesn’t come into it….