A police officer was making the “say cheese” gesture with both hands, right next to a dead body in a blue tent at an incident scene. It is highly insensitive…
Singaporeans Step Up To Help Mom Take Her 2 Autistic Boys To Hike
A mother wanted to take her 2 autistic boys (11 & 14) for a hike. She posted in Facebook group “Singapore Hikers” asking if anyone would be alright with letting…
Homophobic Group Has Taken Over High Ranking Positions In Singapore!
From CEO of Pan Pacific, to Singapore’s Ambassador to Sweden, homophobic group “Focus on the Family” has infiltrated all levels of Singapore!
Revanchism in Southeast Asia: A Clear and Present Danger to Singapore
Dr Mahathir’s comments come straight out of the playbook of whipping up nationalistic fervour by appealing to historical legacies and political rule by local societies in Southeast Asia prior to Western colonialism in the region.
Lawrence Wong: I Understand your Worries But GST Hike is Necessary
Costs are rising but PAP will go ahead with the GST hike. Finance Minister Lawrence Wong spoke about inflation today and announced a $1.5 billion support package for Singaporeans. He…
Singapore’s Sports Hub: A White Elephant Testament to Singapore’s Follies
On June 10 2022, it was announced that the Government’s sports statutory board, SportSG will be taking back full ownership and management of the Singapore Sports Hub later this year…
AMK SERS Debacle Shows Government’s Heartlessness in Public Housing Policy
SERS demonstrates that even the individual’s choice to buy an HDB to live for the rest of their lives is not sacrosanct when the flat can be repossessed by the government any time.
Beauty World Hawker Stallholder Almost Stabbed Neighbour, Diners Called Police
Was dining with my sister at the Beauty World Hawker Center when we witnessed a violent outburst from the stall owner of “LM Fruit & Juice” towards his next door…
PAP MP Henry Kwek Attends Pink Dot While Lee Hsien Loong is On Leave
Henry Kwek, MP of Kebun Baru SMC, showed up at Pink Dot 14. This is the first time a PAP MP attended a Pink Dot event in their official capacity….
Healing The Divide Founder Iris Koh Seeks To Go Malaysia While On Bail
In case you forgot, founder of anti-vaccine group Healing the Divide Iris Koh is currently facing a criminal charge for conspiring with Jipson Quah to help people fake their COVID…