When the citizenry perceives Singapore’s citizenship to be too easily obtained, it is difficult to drum up support for immigration by the government on its own citizens.
The Real Reason Why Singapore Refuses To Implement Wealth Tax
During the Bloomberg Economy Forum in November last year, PM Lee shared that Wealth Tax is “not so easy to implement.” Is this really why they don’t do it? Or are…
Hougang Neighbour From Hell Is Air Force Regular
The Hougang resident who has a neighbour from hell caught him in the RSAF uniform. However when she wrote in to Mindef, they were not willing to investigate him. Neighbour…
PAP Members Are Not United, “Backbenchers” Have No Say
During the recent parliamentary debate on Budget 2022, the issue of succession planning was brought up. The more surprising thing is that a PAP MP brought it up, not someone…
NUS Study Finds Older Leaders Less Effective
By studying 577 listed companies in Singapore, an NUS study found that firms with many leaders over 60 tend to under-perform. These companies tend to have a lower returns on…
In 2015, WP got Lambasted for Saying PAP will Raise GST. What About Now?
In 2015, Lee Hsien Loong lashed out at WP for suggesting that PAP will “change its mind” and increase GST. He said: Raising, adjusting taxes is a very big decision….
Dear PM Lee, Do you Think PAP is Good Enough to Teach WP about Integrity?
Lee Hsien Loong recently gave a long speech in parliament about upholding integrity. It was as if he was teaching everyone, especially the Workers’ Party, about good character and democracy….
India Protests Against PM Lee For His Comments About Nehru
PM Lee named India as an example when talking about democracies who let things slipped. India says that the remarks “were uncalled for”.
Bertha Henson Says PM Lee Should Sue His Siblings In Court Too
PM Lee made an appearance in the recent parliamentary debate about the COP report on Raeesah Khan. He said that our system will fail if trust is eroded, and suggests…
If Lee Hsien Loong can be PM at 70, Low Thia Khiang can Come Back to Lead WP
Lee Hsien Loong is 70 this year and remains Prime Minister. With all the Raeesah Khan vs Pritam Singh frenzy, can Low Thia Khiang come back to lead? LTK is…