By Zen — In 2018, Hollywood, through its lens, portrayed Singapore as glamorous and expensive. A place for crazy rich people full of diversity and Asian ethnicity. All people enjoyed…
Billionaire Ditches His Singapore Citizenship To Fight For Taiwan
By LM — Founder of the United Microelectronics Cooperation and Microchip Tycoon Robert Tsao publicly announced on 26th August 2022, that he will ditch his Singaporean citizenship and reinstate his…
Are Singapore’s Sportsmen One-hit Wonders?
By Zen — This is a curse that must end! Singapore was shocked when we saw the news that our national badminton player Loh Kean Yew failed to defend his title…
Why Singaporeans Are Vulnerable to Foreign Influence Ops
Singapore suffers from a lack of education in critical thinking skills, fuelled in no small part by the strict curating and enforcing of societal narratives and news perspectives by the government.
PRC National: What is so Amazing about Singapore? I Prefer to Live in Malaysia
A PRC national living in London wants to relocate to Southeast Asia. He was comparing between Singapore and Malaysia but decided to choose the latter. Reasons why Singapore is not…
Will Unchecked Inflation Lead To a “Lost Generation” of Young Singaporeans?
Talk to any Singaporean on the street today, and it is inescapable that the topmost issue on everyone’s minds is coping with record inflation levels amongst the highest in recent…
Young Graduate Offered $3k Starting Salary, How To Survive?
An anonymous graduate wrote in to SGWhispers to share that they have been offered $3k for an office executive job. This means a $2.4k take home pay after deducting CPF….
Section 377A Is Repealed For PAP’s Political Gains!
By LM — The highlight of this year’s National Day Rally is that Singapore will be repealing Section 377A. Removing the penal code which criminalizes sex between men, although never…
377A Repealed But Things are Still Unfair for LGBT Community
Singapore will repeal 377A but does that call for a celebration? In line with the repeal, the government will amend the Constitution to safeguard heterosexual marriages. This protects the definition…
Singapore Needs To Rethink Our Foreign Talent Policy!
At last night’s national day rally, the PM Lee Hsien Loong had quite a number of things to announce. While the main attention has been given to 377A, PM Lee…