The PAP has asked several opposition MPs to apologise in parliament for their statements. Here are some of them.
SPP’s Steve Chia Moving in to KL Apartment with Amazing View
Opposition member Steve Chia posted photos of his new studio apartment in Kuala Lumpur. The Sec-Gen of Singapore People’s Party now has balconies on a high-floor with superb views. It…
I Followed MOH But Still Lost Money. My Employer Insisted on MC for Covid-19
The government said that employers cannot insist for workers to get MC if they get Covid-19. What they said is rubbish. A man lost out on rental rebates because his…
MP Melvin Yong – Taxi Drivers Should Also Drive Buses. We Lack Manpower
Another MP came up with a genius idea in parliament. Melvin Yong of Radin Mas GRC suggested for taxi drivers to also drive buses. There was a lack of manpower…
New Covid-19 Rules are Confusing. Amy Khor Says It Gives us More Options
Coffeeshops and hawker centres have new vaccine-differentiated safe management measures (VDS). Unfortunately, they are very confusing. We are tired of remembering rules because they keep on changing. Why are PAP…
Lawrence Wong Dare to Raise Taxes But Don’t Dare to Address our Burden
PSP’s Leong Mun Wai was shocked that Lawrence Wong evaded his question and called his argument a “red herring”. He was only raising valid concerns about GST. Leong wanted to…
Ang Wei Neng, Don’t Try to Backtrack on Your Statement!
After suggesting to have a time stamp on local university degrees, MP Ang Wei Neng tried to “clarify” himself. He said the “idea of the time stamp” was simply a…
Worst Moments From Budget Debate 2022
From stupid suggestions like degree expiry to crocodile tears, these are the worst moments from this year’s budget debate.
Another PAP MP Shawn Huang Cries in Parliament
Another PAP member has joined the ranks of PAP crybabies.
Reflections From A Singaporean – PAP Is Living In Their Own Fantasy
[By Calvin Koh] PAP is living in their own fantasy and luxury and enjoyable world. They have lost touch with the ground on how so many people are struggling and…